Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

What is commercial carpet cleaning?

Commercial carpet cleaning is a process that removes dirt, dust, and other debris from carpets and rugs in businesses and different commercial settings. As we all know, Commercial carpets are designed for a longer lifespan. They are thicker and more durable than residential ones. Therefore, their cleaning process involves using special equipment and more complex methods.

The Benefits of Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Carpets are expensive, so taking care of them is essential. The right way to do this is to have it professionally cleaned. Commercial carpet cleaning has many benefits.

First, Any business must maintain high levels of perfect cleanliness. A clean environment attracts customers and has a positive impact on their minds.
Next, clean carpets will improve the IAQ(indoor air quality) and promote a healthy environment suitable for you and your customers.

Another significant benefit of commercial cleaning is that it increases the carpet’s lifespan, and you need not change them frequently. It will also save you time and money in the longer run.

Lastly, professional cleaners have the necessary experience and knowledge to clean your carpets properly. They will also have the right equipment to do the job quickly and efficiently.


The Process of Commercial Carpet Cleaning:

There are four main steps in commercial carpet cleaning:

The First step involves the thorough checking of the carpet to determine the method which is best for cleaning purposes.

Vacuuming is the second step that removes surface dirt and debris from the carpet.

The third step is called Pre-treating, which is done to break down tough stains and soils.

The fourth step uses a hot water extraction method to clean the carpets. Once the carpets are clean, it’s time to dry them with advanced drying equipment.

The Cost of Commercial Carpet Cleaning:

The cost of commercial carpet cleaning differs as it depends on many factors, like the area and the company you are hiring. However, you must consider taking these steps to keep costs down.

First, be sure to vacuum regularly. It will help to keep dirt and dust from getting ground into the fibers of your carpet, making it easier to clean.

Second, try to use mats or rugs at entryways to help limit the amount of dirt and debris that gets tracked in.

Finally, spot-clean spills as soon as they happen; the longer they sit, the harder they will remove. And the more likely they will cause permanent damage.

If you need to hire a professional carpet cleaner, get multiple quotes before deciding. And always ask about any specials or discounts that may be available.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable and affordable commercial carpet cleaning service, look no further than EzGreen. We have the required expertise to make your carpets look new again. Moreover, the company uses Eco-friendly cleaning methods and does not use abrasive materials.

So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call today or book an online appointment!


How often should commercial carpets be cleaned?

This depends on the amount of foot traffic. You may need to clean every few months for high-traffic areas, whereas for low-traffic areas, every 6-12 months may be sufficient.

How long does it take for a commercial carpet to dry?

It usually takes a commercial carpet about 24 hours to dry completely. Still, weather conditions play an essential role in it. If it’s a hot, sunny day, the carpet will likely dry faster than on a cool, cloudy day.

How long is it needed to stay off the carpet after cleaning?

You should stay off the carpet until it gets dry. We usually use high-powered fans and dehumidifiers to dry carpets quickly. The fans force air over the wet carpet while the dehumidifiers remove moisture. This combination of forces dries the carpet quickly and efficiently.

What chemicals do you use to clean carpets?

There are different types of chemicals that we use to clean carpets. Each of these chemicals has advantages and disadvantages, so selecting the right one is crucial to get the job done. But rest assured, they are all environmentally friendly and don’t threaten human health.

How to assess if my carpet is professionally cleaned?

There are different ways to tell if your carpet is clean or not. First, take a look at the overall appearance of the carpet. It should look significantly cleaner than before. Second, check for any residual dirt or stains – if there are none, that’s another good sign that professionals have done their job correctly. Finally, ask yourself if the carpet feels softer or more plush; if it does, no worries.

What does psi stand for in carpet cleaning?

Psi stands for pounds per square inch. This is the measure of pressure that is used to clean carpets.

What does VLM stand for in carpet cleaning?

VLM stands for “very low moisture.” This type of carpet cleaning is done with very little water. It is considered a more gentle and effective method than traditional steam cleaning.

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