Chimney Cleaning

Chimney Sweep Services

If your home has a fireplace, chances are you’ll need to hire a chimney sweep at some point to keep it in good working order. But what exactly do these sweeps do? 

The chimney sweep is a professional who cleans and inspects chimneys. They have the tools and knowledge to safely clean your Chimney and remove debris or blockages. During this process, they also check your Chimney for any damage and can make repairs if needed. 

The Benefits of Hiring a Chimney Sweep: Why should you get your Chimney swept? 

Chimney sweeping is an important preventative to avoid a chimney fire. A build up of soot and debris in a chimney can act as fuel for a fire, and cleaning the Chimney removes this build-up. 

In addition to preventing fires, regular chimney sweeping also increases the efficiency of your fireplace. 

Moreover, Chimney sweeps prevent water damage to your home and cut energy costs. 

Don’t wait until there’s a problem with your Chimney to call in a sweep – preventative maintenance is key to keeping your home safe.

The Chimney Sweeping Process: What happens during a sweep? 

When most people think about Chimney sweeping, they imagine a soot-covered man climbing up their Chimney with a broom. However, Chimney sweeping is much more complicated and involved than that. 

First, the sweeper will inspect your Chimney to look for any apparent problems. They’ll also take note of the type of fuel you’re using, as that can affect the amount of soot and creosote build-up inside your Chimney. They’ll then set up some equipment, including a brush and vacuum, and start scrubbing away all the soot and debris. 

Once they’ve got everything nice and clean, they’ll give you a quick once-over to ensure no more blockages. And that’s it! You can now enjoy your fireplace with complete peace of mind. 


Finally, keeping chimneys clean and up-to-date is necessary to avoid serious consequences. Please follow a few steps to prevent a chimney re: Have your Chimney inspected and cleaned regularly 

Only burn dry, seasoned wood in your fireplace 

Don’t let ashes build up in your fireplace 

Ensure your fireplace has a sturdy screen to keep embers from drying out. 

Do you need your Chimney swept? Call us today to schedule an appointment and get your Chimney cleaned.


What services does your company offer? 

We offer a variety of services related to chimneys and fireplace maintenance. These services include chimney sweeping, repair, and inspection; fireplace cleaning and repair; and wood stove installation and repair. 

How much does it cost to have your services performed? 

Chimney sweeping services cost depending on the size and type of Chimney. 

How long will it take for my service to be completed? 

It depends on the size of your Chimney. A small chimney might take 30 minutes to sweep, while a larger one could take an hour or more. To get the exact quote, Call us or book an online appointment. 

How often should I have my Chimney swept? 

There’s no definitive answer, but most experts recommend cleaning it once a year. If you use your fireplace frequently, you may need to have it cleaned more often. 

What should I do if smoke or flames start coming from my Chimney? You should call the fire department immediately if you observe smoke or flames coming from your Chimney. Don’t try to put the fire out yourself – let the professionals handle it.

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